
Beraber BİRLİKTE Olmak

Uluslarası gönüllü çalışma grubumuz ile Sağlık Çalışanlarını desteklemek için hazırladığımız, onların geçirdikleri bu vefakâr süreçteki zorluklarını daha kolay yönetmelerini sağlayan sistemik bir akışı sizlerle paylaşıp yaymanızı rica ediyoruz. İlgili dosyayı aşağıdaki bağlantıdan indirebilir ve çevrenize yollayabilirsiniz.

#evdekal #destekverorg

Sami Bugay


Boredom in Institutions – Milliyet Newspaper

There are various reasons why institutions resist change. Below we see the main causes and prevalence of this resistance.

  • 80% resistance to change,
  • 70 percent of the lead person is not ready for change,
  • 60 percent unrealistic expectations,
  • 55% change project is not enough,
  • 45% of the reasons for the change are not adequately explained,
  • The 42 percent change is not perfectly designed,
  • Uncertainties of 40 percent have not been eliminated,
  • Insufficient software support by 35%.

What is corporate culture?
The way things are done in an institution, the ability to solve problems inside and outside, and the cooperation in reaching goals and creating strategies create the culture of that institution.

The tendency of disorder and ineffectiveness in an institution is called “Cultural Entropy”. Decreased efficiency and wasted energy are due to this tendency. Intra-team conflicts and boredom (burnout) show themselves. Naturally, it is possible that such frustrations are influenced by general economic and political conditions. “Cultural Entropy” is measurable and has a significant impact on both employee loyalty and turnover. Lower levels of “Cultural Entropy” are considered better.

According to the calculations, if the cultural inadequacy falls below 10 percent, it provides a 32.87 percent increase in corporate incomes within 3 years. If the cultural inadequacy rises above 29 percent, the income increase decreases to 11.07 percent in the same period.

Insufficiency study
“KA Danışmanlık” carries out the most result-oriented studies on cultural inadequacy in institutions in our country. First, deficiencies are identified, needs analysis is made; Then, where and where the institution wants to go is planned. Then, an internal communication plan is created and many actions such as leader coaching, team coaching, and development design are taken in this regard.

It can take 3 to 7 years to completely reduce the disorder, disconnection and ineffectiveness in an institution and to solve the problems in this regard. In this period, both the increase in employee morale and the increase in profitability create a visible and measurable result.

During the work, not only objective measures are taken, but also psychological and energy-enhancing measures are applied. As the miscommunication and ineffectiveness in the institution decreases, the income against the capital invested increases rapidly. In the researches, it has been observed that thanks to the measures taken in this regard, the corporate share prices have also increased rapidly. -2844102/


Mentoring Program Continues: Supporting the Future Today – PMI Magazine March 2019

PMI Turkey Chapter has been providing voluntary mentoring support to university and graduate students with its PMI certified members since 2012. Work continues to expand and deepen the scope of the Mentoring Program in 2019-2020. The first step of these studies is to increase mentoring competencies.
determined. For this purpose, on February 23, 2019, Ka Consulting Managing Director Mr. With the contributions of Sami Bugay Master Certified Coach – ICF, Mentor Coach – ICF, NCC, the training on “Supporting the Future Today: Mentoring” took place at the ING Innovation Center.

This training, in which all the participants were past mentors and future mentor candidates, attracted great attention from participants from distant regions and from outside the city, despite the fact that it was a profitable Istanbul weekend.

During the training, Mr. Sami Bugay shared very valuable information about the competencies required by mentoring. Important exchanges, including the self-awareness of mentors, on the importance of behaviors, thoughts and feelings that affect results in both mentoring and team communication, and on beliefs and values ​​that limit them.
there was. The interactive nature of the training, which was thought deeply and sometimes laughed with laughter, created a special value. The mentoring process training ended with practical suggestions on the process and the structuring of the interviews.

For his valuable contributions, Mr. We would like to thank Sami Bugay and Ka Danışmanlık, the ING Innovation Center for the venue and their friendly support, and our mentors for their sharing participation in the training.
More about this source textSource text required for additional translation information


The Unbearable Lightness of Not Producing…

…or, the Extreme Attractiveness of Copying…..?

As I research what has happened in the world of Human Resources and Organizational Development lately, I realize how similar the themes discussed are, with some curiosity and some surprise. “What is there to be so surprised about?” I seem to hear you ask… You are right, actually there is nothing to be surprised about. We are discussing and addressing similar issues as similar people in the same environment, three more or less. This being the case, we can naturally get into a vicious circle and cook and cook the same food and bring it before each other.

While I was discussing this issue with some of my friends, I recently found myself thinking about the following question: “So why? Why can’t we take an issue that someone else has taken up further? Why don’t we build a building on the foundation, but try to lay a new foundation on the land next door?”

While I was searching for the answer to this question, I read an article by Michael Yarbrough on why we tend to imitate others. According to Yarbrough, we all tend to imitate the actions of the people we love, and we do so subconsciously. This behavior of ours is called “Projection” and it has been known and studied by psychologists for a long time. As a rule, “mirroring” meant that the interlocutors enjoyed communication. There was some level of agreement between them. The topic of discussion would be equally interesting to both people and they knew their interests were being met.

Yarbrough’s article does not end there, of course, and continues with interesting explanations. (For those who are curious and want to read, the original English title of the article is “The Surprising Truth About Why We Tend To Imitate Others” – Michael Yarbrough) However, of course, I still wanted to make some assumptions about our subject in addition to Yarbrough’s explanations:

We can choose to copy rather than produce, because

Tried and proven, therefore safer.
What if I am criticized for what I produce, how do I respond?
Why waste my time when it’s ready? Time is precious.
I will also have a share in the production, so I will not be able to offer any excuse if negative criticism comes.
Well, I’m going to present a better version of this topic now. The other one wasn’t so good anyway…
and so on and so on

I’m sure you have more excuses to add to this list. And I will say that instead of copying, let’s produce, develop, develop, set an example and lead the way. Because I humbly know from my own experience that the pleasure of producing and developing is completely different…

See you ????

– Ebru Ölçer


What a Nice Mistake You Made

Recently, I heard a story from Stephen Glenn about a famous research scientist. This scientist had new and very important discoveries in medicine. A newspaper reporter asked him when he was interviewing how he became a different and creative person from the average person. What is the distinguishing feature?
The scientist answered this question “due to the experience my mother had when I was two years old.” While the scientist was trying to get the milk bottle out of the refrigerator, the bottle fell from his hand and turned into a milk lake.

When his mother came into the kitchen, instead of yelling, yelling or punishing her: “Robert, what a great mistake you made! I’ve never seen such a beautiful lake of milk before. Yeah, it’s done. Now before we clean this place together, do you want to play some milk on the floor?” He bent down and played with the spilled milk. A few minutes later his mother said, “Robert, when you do this kind of thing, you know you have to clean it up and put everything back to normal? How would you like to do this? Shall we use a sponge or a towel or cloth? Which one do you want? “Robert chose the sponge and they cleaned the spilled milk on the floor.

Later, her mother said, “You know, what we had here was a bad experience where you couldn’t carry a milk bottle with your two little hands. Now let’s go out to the backyard and fill the bottle with water and let you carry a full bottle without dropping it.” The little boy learned that if he held the bottle by his throat with both hands, he could carry it without dropping it. He understood that the mistakes made were good opportunities to learn something new. Experiments in scientific research are based on this basis anyway.

Even if an experiment fails, very valuable information is obtained from that experiment.
Jack Canfield


Mevlana Şems

One night, while searching for Mevlana, Shams found him sitting by a pool, deep in thought. “What are you doing?” he asked. Mevlana replied, “I am watching the stars reflecting on the water.” Shams paused for a moment, then said with a laugh: “Then why don’t you look up at the sky?” When we face reality, are we brave enough to accept it, strong enough to bear it? In fact, knowledge comes with a great responsibility. Every person whose lives we touch, knowingly and unknowingly, carries a piece of us. This requires living wisely, not selfishly. Wise people do not meet their fate with a humble resignation, nor do they lose their childlike excitement by obsessing over the details. As they sense the real identities behind the masks, nothing is as it seems; They know what the paradoxes mean in the picture drawn by the divine hand, and act accordingly. With grace, joy and pleasure… This is the meaning hidden in the motto of Sems, the unique Sun of Tabriz, “Walk without feet, fly without wings”. Because it is possible to solve the truth not with the mind, but with the mind of the heart that opens like a flower, with every touch of love. When you are in a deadlock, raise your face to the sky by isolating yourself from all thoughts, past and future worries, without being disheartened. You are a part of that vast infinity. The stars will die, but your soul will live. Let the future decide the future… Source unknown


Violinist in The Subway

On a cold January morning, a man plays six musical pieces from Bach with his violin for 45 minutes at a subway station in Washington DC. During this time, about a thousand people pass by the violinist, in the rush to get to work in time. About three minutes after the violinist started playing, for the first time, a middle-aged man notices the violinist, slows down, and after a few seconds, he continues on his way to get to where he had to go. The violinist gets his first dollar tip a minute later. A woman passes by quickly, throwing the money into the container placed before the violinist without interrupting her walk. A few minutes later, another man pauses, leans and listens, but takes a look at his watch and continues his way with expressions stating that he is in a hurry not to be late for work. The most attentive person is a three-year-old boy. Despite his mother’s tugging, the child stands before him and looks carefully at the violinist. Finally, his mother forces his child to walk by pulling him faster. The boy turns around and looks at the violinist, desperately following his mother. Similarly, there are a few more children, and they are all forced away by their parents to continue walking. During his 45 minutes of performance, only 6 people stand before the violinist for a very short time. 20 people give money as they are passing by. The violinist earns $32 during the time of his performance. When he finishes playing, silence prevails, and no one even realizes that he has stopped, does not clap. Nobody realizes that he is the best violinist in the world, Joshua Bell, and he has played the most complex musical pieces ever written with the $ 3.5 million violin in his hand. However, Joshua Bell’s concert tickets in Boston two days before this mini concert on the subway were sold for an average of $100.

This is a true story, and Joshua Bell’s disguise in the subway was designed by the Washington Post newspaper as a social experiment on perception, enjoyment, and priorities. Things questioned was: Can we perceive beauty in an ordinary place, at an inappropriate time? Do we stop to enjoy it? Can we recognize talent in an unexpected environment? The moral to point from this short story is that if we don’t have a minute to stop and listen to the best musician in the world playing the best music in the world, what else are we missing?


The King’s Four Wives

The king who once ruled a great and powerful country had four wives. The king loved his fourth wife the most. He did not double what his wife said, he would give the best and the best of everything to her.
The king also loved his third wife very much. He was very jealous of this beautiful wife because he was afraid that one day she would leave him.

The king also loved his second wife. His wife, who was good and patient with him, would always be there for the king when he had a problem and would help him solve his problem.
The queen was the king’s first wife. Although this was his wife who loved him very much, loved him without expecting anything in return, and made the greatest contribution to his health and sovereignty, the king did not love his first wife and did not take care of her.

One day the king fell ill with a fatal disease. Realizing that he would die soon and fearful of being alone after death, he wanted to know which of his wives might want to share the death with him.

When the king asked his fourth wife, whom he loved most, if he would like to accompany him on his death journey, the answer he received was like a knife in his heart. This clear answer, said in a low voice, is “not possible”
“I have loved you all my life. Will you agree to die with me?” To his question, his third wife replied, “No, it’s good to be alive. When you die, I will remarry.” The king was once again destroyed.

“You were the one who always stood by me and helped me in every problem. Can you help me with this problem too?” Against his request, he received a reply from his second wife, “I can’t do anything about this problem, I will at most accompany you to your grave, have a nice funeral and mourn”
The king, who was in great disappointment, was startled by the voice of his first wife. “Wherever you go, I will be with you, I will follow you.” says his first wife.

The king was very happy with this answer and said to himself: “I wish I had one more chance”.
We are all four-partners in life. Our fourth partner is our body. No matter how much time, resources, and effort we put into making it look beautiful, it will leave us when we die.

Our third wife is our wealth and status… As soon as we die, she will be with someone else.
Our second spouse is our family and friends. The last thing these people with whom we share all our problems can do is to send us off from this world with tears in their eyes.

The first wife is our soul. Even if we leave this world one day, our soul will always make our name shine like a star in our hearts.” (Anonymous)


Sheikh Edebali’s Advice to Osman Bey

“O Son!
You are master!
After that, anger is upon us; meekness to you…
Resent us; love you..
blame us; bear with you..
Impotence to us, error to us; welcome you..
Discords, conflicts, incompatibilities, disagreements to us; justice to you..
Evil eye, heavy mouth, unfair comment to us; forgive you…
After that divide us; to make you whole..
Loyalty to us; to warn, to encourage, to shape you..
O Son!
Your load is heavy, your job is tough, your strength depends on the hair, may Allah help you.
May his lord be blessed.
May it be beneficial to the path of righteousness. Let your light shine.
Send it far.
May he give you the strength to carry your burden, the mind and heart that will not stumble.
You and your friends must clear the way for what is promised to us with the sword, and dervishes like us with thoughts, ideas and prayers.
We need to clear the blockage.
You are strong, strong, smart and wise. But if you don’t know where and how to use them, you will be blown away in the morning winds.
Your anger and your soul become one and defeat your mind. For this, you always have patience, perseverance and willpower!..
Patience is very important. A gentleman should know how to be patient. It does not bloom before its time. Raw pears are inedible; Even if it is eaten, it remains in your bosom.
Uninformed sword is like raw pears.
Let your nation live in your own wisdom. Don’t turn your back on him. Always feel your presence. In governing the society, keeping this alive is wisdom.
There are people, dawn is born, they die in the evening prayer.
The world is not as big as your eyes see it.
All unconquered secrets, unknowns, will come to light only with your virtue and justice.
Count your mother and father!
Know that abundance is with the great.
If you lose your faith in this world, when you are green you become barren, you turn into deserts.
Be frank! Don’t take every word! You see, don’t say; don’t say you know!
Frequent commuting to your favorite place; your love and reputation will be damaged…
To these three people; In other words, pity the scholar among the ignorant, those who become poor when they are rich, and those who lose their dignity while being remembered!
Remember that those who occupy high places are not as safe as those below.
Don’t be afraid of the fight you are right! You should know that they call the best of the horse towards the right, and the best of the valiant crazy (fearless, reckless, heroic, daring).
The greatest victory is to recognize the self.
The enemy is man himself.
The fellow has itself recognized the soul.
The land is not the common property of the ruler, which he shares with his sons and brothers.
Countries that belong only to the administration.
When he dies, whoever comes after him, receives the dominion of the country.
Our ancestors, who were once mistaken, divided their state among their sons and brothers in their health. That’s why they couldn’t survive. (This advice made the Ottomans live for 600 years.)
Once a person sits down, he does not get up easily.
When the person does not move, he becomes numb. When he gets numb, he starts talking.
Word turns into gossip. Rumors began to prosper not informal.
Friend becomes foe; The enemy, the beast is cut!..
People’s power is exhausted one day, but live information.
The light of knowledge penetrates even through closed eyes, enlightening them.
The animal dies, its saddle remains; man dies, his work remains. He should cry not after the one who leaves, but after the one who doesn’t leave…
He must continue where he left off.
I don’t like war.
I don’t like to bleed.
Still, I know that the sword must rise and fall.
But this must be for getting up and landing.
Especially, it is a murder for a person to drop a sword on another person.
The gentleman is not beyond the country.
A war, not just be for a king.
We have no right to stop, to rest.
Because there is no time, time is short!..
Loneliness is frightening.
Farmers know the soil when planting, do not ask someone else.
Even if he is alone!
As long as he knows that the soil is tempered.
Love should be the basis of the cause. To love is in silence.
You don’t like shouting. It is not loved by being seen either!..
Who does not know his past, can not know his future.
Osman! Know your past well so that you can step firmly into the future.
Don’t forget where you came from so you don’t forget where you’re going…”
Sheikh Edebali, 13th Century, Söğüt-Bilecik-Turkey


10 Magic Steps for Personal Motivation

Motivation is vital to be happy and successful. The tips below will help you motivate and sustain yourself. These are practical and result-oriented recommendations. If you don’t apply, they will not go far beyond being general culture.


Write the story of the future you desire on a clean piece of paper with a few paragraphs. Write down what you are doing in the future, where you live and what you own. This will motivate you both now and in the future.


Close your eyes and imagine yourself doing what you would like to see yourself doing in the future. You are running healthy, you are dealing with or working on the flowers in your garden. For example, if your dream is to open a small business, imagine yourself on the day of opening, greeting your customers and employees. Thus, you can embody your dreams.


When you visualize the past, you see where you have been before and how far you’ve come. You understand how much you have achieved your planned goals and where you have made mistakes. This will keep you on the right track. Think of a driver, if he just looks forward and doesn’t take advantage of the rearview mirror, what would happen? Looking back from time to time is as useful as looking at the driver’s rearview mirror.


Don’t be afraid of thinking big about your future. This will make it easier to endure your short-term failures. Obstacles will not be able to stop you. Because your eyes will be locked on the ultimate goal. Imagine that you will meet your loved one after a long time, would you be disturbed by the pouring rain while you are headed to the train station to pick him/her up?


Learn, read, speak, listen and try everything related to your goal or dream. If you want to be a writer, take lessons, read books, write, talk to other writers, participate in workshops.


A clean, tidy and well-organized home, office and life are indispensable for a motivated mind. Physical clutter causes mental clutter. Have an orderly life, so you will feel more energized every day. For example, have a regular schedule for going to bed and waking up. Be sure to have breakfast and walk at least half an hour in the morning.


Include symbols, signs, notes or objects that will remind you of your goals and dreams in your home, office, car, wallet. These reminders will guarantee your motivation. Do you want to own the top model car? Then hang the pictures of your dream car on the wall of your room, keep it in your wallet and look at it whenever you need and remember your destination.


Help other people voluntarily. When you do this, you will realize how satisfying it is to make other people happy. At weekends, it may be a good idea to go to the Child Protection Agency with your spouse.


The best learning method is to teach. Help your children to be motivated, your friends to set more effective goals, and your spouse’s to reach his/her personal dreams. When you help them, you will actually be helping yourself.


Spending time with kids will give you perspective. Problems or worries at work or in your private life will melt away when you play with your children. Children look at everything simply and even learning this is beneficial for us.