Dedicated to empowering leaders, teams and organizations

We aim to help individuals, teams, and organizations realize their visions and potential; we support organizations in transforming into effective teams with a shared, clear goal and vision.

Çanakkale, sadece bir savaş değil, birlik olmanın, direnişin ve vazgeçmemenin tarihidir. Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’ün liderliğinde şekillenen bu destan, milletimizin özgürlüğe olan tutkusunun en güçlü ifadesidir. Bugün, bağımsızlığımız için gözünü kırpmadan mücadele eden tüm şehitlerimizi saygı, minnet ve rahmetle anıyoruz. Aziz hatıraları önünde saygıyla eğiliyoruz. Ruhları şad olsun! ...

5 0

Peki sizin lideriniz @fuat.sezen ’in dediklerini ne kadar uyguluyor? Çatışmaları çözerken nasıl bir yol izliyor? Yorumlarda bizimle paylaşın! ...

10 0

Bütünsel liderlik, krizleri yalnızca yönetmek değil, onları önceden öngörüp dengeyi kurabilmekle mümkündür. Peki sizce bu krizde hangi kadran eksik kaldı? ...

38 0

Peki siz konuya bütünsel mi bakıyorsunuz yoksa kadranlardan bazılarını atlıyor musunuz? Yorumlarda bizimle paylaşın🙏🏻 ...

16 0

Peki sizin son zamanlarda karşılaştığınız engeller neler? Bu engellerin üstesinden nasıl geliyorsunuz? Bizimle yorumlarda paylaşın🙏🏻 ...

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Sizce en büyük liderlik kör noktası nedir? ...

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Peki siz bu listeye ne eklerdiniz? ...

13 0

Peki sizin kendinize yakın zamanda koyduğunuz hedefler neler? Bizimle yorumlarda paylaşmayı unutmayın 🙏🏻 ...

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Peki sizce neler yapılabilir? Yorumlarda yazmayı unutmayın 🙏🏻 ...

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Kendinizi ve başkalarını derinlemesine anlamaya hazır mısınız?
7 Şubat’ta başlıyoruz!

🔹 Mezunlarımızdan ilham alın!
Onlar, bu eğitim sayesinde liderlikten ilişkilere, hayatlarının her alanında fark yaratmayı başardı. Şimdi sıra sizde!

Kaçırmayın, sınırlı kontenjan! ✨

Detaylı bilgi ve kayıt için:

📱 0 552 736 36 17
☎️ 0 212 280 07 33

14 1

Başımız sağ olsun. ...

6 0

The Integral Institute™️ is an international institute with global accreditations that offers training and workshops on leadership, team development and coaching.


Integral Leadership

Basic and Advanced Coaching Skills Programs for Leaders, including Leadership Programs for Managers and Senior Management Teams.

Takım Koçluğu

Team Coaching

Team Coaching and Management, Team Coaching for Coaches, Team Coaching Training for Managers, Team Development & Follow-Up Workshop.

Uzman Düzey Koçluk

Coaching Training

Fundamentals for Transformation; Training Master Coaches, Integral Coaching Training & Advanced Expertise Programs, including Levels I and II.

Koçluk Yeni

Integral Programs

Coaching Practice with Dream Studies, Mind to Heart & Heart to Spirit: A New Dimension in Professional Coaching.



Field Coaching – The Art of Feedback – Turning Potential into Performance and Leadership Presence Workshops.



Self-Discovery Inventory – Team Climate Inventory – 360° Assessment – 4 Element Assessment.



Holistic Leadership, Executive Mentoring. Speed ​​Mentoring –  Exclusive Mentoring for Internal Coaches – Corporate Mentor, Mentee Development Programs.

How We Work?

A solid corporate culture acts as a catalyst for positive performance by creating an environment of interaction, harmony, communication and innovation. Our goal is to encourage the development of leaders and teams within the organization by increasing employee participation and to create a solid company culture.


It is the process in which awareness and forward-looking vision are created and needs and desires are clarified. The meetings we hold with managers and relevant units and the subsequent collaboration we will carry out are the components of this area.


After discussions where needs and requests are clarified, in light of all the information and participant information required for the process; As The Integral Institute, we design a workshop, training or workshop specific to your organization.


In each designed and implemented experience, we format a follow-up interaction in order to observe the results of the process created on the participants and to create a model that will perpetuate development and change.

Let’s Talk About Your Team



Corporate References

Your opinions are important to us

A Journey into Leadership: “Be Better!”

A Journey into Leadership: “Be Better!”

--AUTHOR: ÖZKAN KIVANÇ-- Reflections on Leadership as We Enter 2025 As we step into the early days of 2025, I decided it was time to share the leadership lessons I have observed, learned, and experienced over the years. Perhaps...

HR&M June/July Jasna’s Q&A on Leadership and Coaching

HR&M June/July Jasna’s Q&A on Leadership and Coaching

What is the biggest value provided by coaching in your opinion? I had the privilege to work with a lot of leaders and teams who contribute to the destiny and future of organizations. One of the biggest challenges that I noticed...